James Mejia's Blog


Video Presentation

Video Presentation GA2-240202501-AA2-EV02

As software Developers we have to reach a nice english skill, becuase some of the tools and the comunication we do in our dialy life at work will be on english most of the time, so with this activity we can improve and learn in a virtual presentation about a family member is an enriching and personalized approach to language learning. By delving into the life of someone we know and love, we create a deeper connection to the language we are learning. In this article, we will explore the benefits of presenting about a family member and how this activity can help us improve our language learning skills, specifically in English.

Personal Connection and Emotional Engagement:

Presenting about a family member allows us to draw from personal experiences and emotions. The stories we share become more vivid and authentic, tapping into our emotions, which enhances our language learning process. When we feel connected to the content we are presenting, we are more likely to invest time and effort in expressing ourselves effectively in English.

Vocabulary Expansion:

While preparing for the virtual presentation, we naturally seek appropriate words and phrases to describe our family member’s experiences, personality, and achievements. This endeavor leads to a broader vocabulary and a more nuanced understanding of the English language.

Improving Speaking Skills:

Presenting virtually about a family member encourages us to practice and improve our speaking skills. Articulating our thoughts, sharing stories, and conveying emotions in English will boost our confidence and fluency in the language.

Enhancing Listening Comprehension:

Attending virtual presentations by our peers also exposes us to various accents and speaking styles in English. This exposure improves our listening comprehension skills as we become accustomed to different linguistic nuances.

Cultural Awareness and Context:

Learning about our family member’s cultural background and life experiences offers a broader context for language learning. Understanding cultural references and idiomatic expressions within the context of our family member’s life story deepens our appreciation for the language and its cultural significance.

Feedback and Collaborative Learning:

Virtual presentations foster a supportive learning environment where we receive feedback from our peers and instructors. Constructive critiques help us identify areas for improvement in our language usage and presentation skills, promoting collaborative learning.


Presenting virtually about a family member serves as a powerful tool for language learners to connect emotionally with the language they are studying. Through this activity, we develop a richer vocabulary, improve our speaking and listening skills, and gain cultural awareness. The personal connection to the content and the opportunity for collaborative learning contribute to a more fulfilling language learning journey. By sharing our family member’s story, we not only enhance our English language skills but also strengthen the bond with our loved ones and celebrate their life experiences.